The Weekly Update August 11, 2017

FEDERAL AGENCIES “Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement: DFARS Subgroup to the DoD Regulatory Reform Task Force, Review of DFARS Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses.” Federal Register, August 10, 2017. Retrieved from The Department of Defense published a proposed rule in the Federal Register seeking input on Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplements solicitation provisions and contract clauses that may be appropriate for repeal, replacement, or modification. The public comment period is extended to September 11, 2017.  “Report to Congress Restructuring the . . . Read More

SBA Launches New HUBZone Map

The Small Business Administration (“SBA”) recently launched a new version of the Historically Underutilized Business Zone (“HUBZone”) map on the SBA website. The new HUBZone map designates areas as eligible HUBZone locations and indicates whether an address qualifies as one or more HUBZone designations, such as census tract, county, Indian land, disaster area, closed base area, or redesignated area. For certain types of HUBZones, like redesignated areas, disaster areas, and closed base areas, the map also indicates the date when . . . Read More

The Weekly Update August 4, 2017

SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION “SBA Launches New HUBZONE Maps and Partners with U.S. Digital Service to Streamline and Enhance Online Services for Small Businesses” U.S. Small Business Administration Press Release, July 31, 2017. Retrieved from The U.S. Small Business Administration announced that it has launched a new Historically Underutilized Business Zones map . The HUBZone map is the first step in the modernization effort of SBA’s federal contracting programs. SBA has partnered with the U.S. Digital Service to streamline and enhance online services for small . . . Read More

Do I Need to Recertify My Company’s Size for this Task Order?

In the small business government contracting world, one of biggest advantages to winning a GWAC, like Alliant, CIO-SP3, OASIS or SEWP, is that you will be considered a small business for the contract and any orders awarded to you, despite your natural growth. This is because the general rule is that a contractor’s size for purposes of a multiple award contract is established at the date of proposal with price. Effectively, a contractor is locked in as a small business . . . Read More

H&W is Increasing and Includes Offsets for Mandated Sick Leave. What Now?

Effective August 1, 2017, the Service Contract Act (“SCA”) health and welfare (“H&W”) benefit amount increased from $4.27 per hour to $4.41 per hour. See, Department of Labor (“DOL”) All Agency Memorandum Number 225, issued on July 25, 2017.   A different H&W rate of $4.13 per hour is now applicable to employees performing work on contracts covered by Executive Order 13706 (“EO”). This EO mandated that certain federal contractors provide up to 56 hours of sick leave to employees. The . . . Read More

The Weekly Update July 28, 2017

FEDERAL AGENCIES “Class Deviation 2017-O0006, Increased Micro-Purchased Threshold.” Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, July 17, 2017. Retrieved from . The Department of Defense issued a memorandum regarding the issued class deviation 2017-O0006, implementing provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017. The class deviation addresses increases the micro-purchase threshold to $5,000 for DoD procurements and to $10,000 for DoD basic research programs. “Presidential Executive Order on Assessing and Strengthening the Manufacturing and Defense Industrial Base and Supply . . . Read More

PilieroMazza Legal Advisor – Third Quarter 2017

In this Issue: The All Small Mentor/Protégé Program, One Year Later: Lessons Learned and a Key Milestone Protecting Your Employees and Confidential Information when Working with Teaming Partners Employee Refusal of Medical Treatment – Tips to Avoid Costly Claims Sustainability Through Cost Control

The Importance of a Carefully Drafted Work Share Provision

Subcontracts contain a number of important provisions that shape the relationship between a prime and its subcontractor. However, there is one that overshadows the rest in terms of its significance to the parties’ agreement: work share. The work share provision dictates the amount and types of work the subcontractor will perform. In addition, it is through the work share provision that the parties decide how best to divide the work between themselves to achieve the agency’s objective.  Given its importance . . . Read More

2018 NDAA Could Raise the Stakes for Companies Filing Bid Protests on DoD Contracts

The U.S. Senate has proposed a provision in the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act that, if adopted, would raise the stakes for larger firms in filing bid protests. The provision would apply to protests against DoD procurements to the GAO. If GAO denies all elements of such protests, the protesting company would be required to pay to DoD the costs the government incurs for processing the protest at the GAO and DoD. It is unclear how the government would track . . . Read More